Dr Lydia Pitcher

MBBS (Hons) FRACP FRCPA BMedSc Co-Convenor, AFMW Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program. Vice President, Australian Federation of Medical Women Inc 2018-2022. Past President, Queensland Medical Women's Society 2016-2019.

2024 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program

The Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Program, inaugurated in 2021 and now in its 4th year, is one component of a broader Project of the AFMW – to advance the parity of representation of First Nations Peoples in the Australian medical workforce, and in its leadership. In 2024, the AFMW is offering up to four bursaries for this purpose, each valued at $1250, with the awards to be announced in NAIDOC Week in July 2024. Please apply by Monday 1 July 2024 by either downloading the application form then emailing the completed form with personal statement to [email protected] or apply online today.

2024 Bursary Program

QMWS is very pleased to advise of the launch of our 2024 Bursaries that are administered through the National Council of Women of Queensland (NCWQ) Bursary Program.

Dr Alicia Veasey – 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves recipient

Dr Alicia Veasey, a proud Torres Strait Islander woman, is an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist with subspecialty fellowship in Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology (IFEPAG). She also holds a senior leadership position within Queensland Health as Co-Chair of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clinical Network. Dr Veasey is planning to attend the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) annual conference in November 2023, where she will have the honour of receiving a framed painted stethoscope from AIDA in recognition of her Fellowship with RANZCOG. The Purple Bush Medicine Leaves bursary will assist her ability to attend this significant event along with her family.

Ms Natalie Gordon – 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Recipient

Ms Natalie Gordon is a Ngunnawal woman who is in her 3rd year of medical studies at Australian National University. She plans to use her bursary to attend the RANZCP Conference in Rotorua, in September. She would like to become a rural generalist with a qualification in paediatrics/psychiatry and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Ms Megan Shuttleworth – 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves recipient

Ms Megan Shuttleworth is a Yugambeh and Torres Strait Islander woman who grew up on Minjungbal country in rural Northern New South Wales. She is in her final year (4th) year of the Doctor of Medicine program at Griffith University, Queensland. Megan is grateful for the support of the 2023 Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary, to provide an opportunity to expand academically and connect with leading health professionals across the country. Megan aims to be a part of the health workforce responsible for developing and implementing programs which are both community driven and aim to improve the health outcomes of First Peoples.