Donate to the QMWS Bursary

QMWS Bursary in affliation with NCWQ

Supporting Our Future Professionals
QMWS strongly supports professional development, including participating in international conferences, networking with both medical and women’s groups, and mentoring opportunities to further members’ aspirations in the medical field. Inspirational role models and mentoring opportunities are instrumental in inspiring, shaping and supporting extraordinary careers. This bursary supports female medical students’ involvement in local and international conferences and networking opportunities, so that they may reach their full potential, achieve their dreams, and work towards truly equitable health outcomes for all.

Make A Contribution

We invite you to contribute to the QMWS Bursary.

Your kind donation will support our ongoing contribution to Queensland medical women students. Your donation directly contributes toward the QMWS Bursary funds. The other two bursaries are fully funded by our kind sponsors – Mater Health and AMAQ.

You can make a financial contribution, in any amount you like, via our secure “Make A Contribution” link.

We use Stripe to securely process your debit /credit card payment.

about the Bursary Program

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of QMWS, the NCWQ QMWS Student Bursary Program was established in 2019. 

QMWS continues to promote the health and welfare of all Australians, particularly women and children. The bursary program supports female medical students, recent graduates and those in need in Queensland who are passionate about health equity and gender equity in medicine. 

QMWS NCWQ Bursary Program News


QMWS Christmas Party 2023

Get ready to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with your fellow medical professionals! The Queensland Medical Women’s Society invites you to our spectacular Christmas Cocktail Party on November 26th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, at the exquisite Medley Kangaroo Point. Thank you to our kind sponsor – Queensland XRay!

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AMA Women in Medicine Breakfast 2023

The AMA Queensland Women in Medicine Breakfast for 2023 was a fantastic event, involving key members of the QMWS family. The event featured Maroochy Barambah who was incredibly inspiring to hear from.

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Please note, QMWS is an Incorporated Association, donations made to our organisation are not tax deductible. Please contact QMWS with any queries.