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QMWS 2023 President’s Chat with Jack Graham

Welcome to this President’s Chat with Jack Graham, final year medical student at University of Queensland.

A chat recap

Jack was the recent recipient of the Catherine Thorp-Cramb Prize in Doctors’ Mental Health for his essay on suicide in the medical profession.  

We hope to end the stigma around the “silent killer” of doctors; death by suicide by discussing a number of risk factors and possible strategies to address this on a personal and systemic level.  

Each time a doctor or medical student dies by suicide, this causes a ripple effect of suffering around the void the person leaves behind. We are proud to have many members that are active in the field of doctors’ health and wellbeing and the Medical Director of Doctors’ Health in Queensland (DHQ) on our committee. 

The QMWS committee is very aware of this ongoing problem and several members have published articles addressing doctor suicide over the years. 

Sobering facts:

  • Female physicians commit suicide at 227% the rate of the general population;
  • Male physicians commit suicide at 141% the rate of the general population;
  • One in four junior doctors report suicidal ideation;
  • One in two junior doctors experience moderate to high distress; and
  • Junior doctors working long hours double their risk of suicidal ideation.

For more information, please read the following articles published by MJA Insight Plus:

Sincere thank you to both Jack Graham and UQ for allowing us to share the fantastic essay (read here).

– Dr Ira van der Steenstraten, President QMWS


We realise this can be a sensitive and emotionally distressing topic. Please look after yourself and those around you. Ensure to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. Use personal strategies to cope with triggers and make sure you reach out to those within your support system and have your own GP.

DHQ provides an independent, confidential, colleague-to-colleague support service to assist doctors and medical students and is staffed by volunteer senior GP’s with experience in doctors’ health.

  • DHQ 24/7 Helpline: 07 3833 4352

Other avenues if you need someone to talk to, call:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14
  • MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
  • Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
  • Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
  • Headspace on 1800 650 890
  • QLife on 1800 184 527

View The President’s Chat