QMWS President

2024 Sunset Tea Mentor Mixer

The Queensland Medical Women’s Society was fortunate to host a Sunset Tea Mentor Mixer in July 2024 at the Collective in Palm Beach. If you’re interested in attending our next mixer as a mentor, please reach out to the QMWS Student Representative Coordinator on [email protected].

AMA Women in Medicine Breakfast 2023

The AMA Queensland Women in Medicine Breakfast for 2023 was a fantastic event, involving key members of the QMWS family. The event featured Maroochy Barambah who was incredibly inspiring to hear from.

QMWS President Ira making presentations at the Christmas Party

Thank you from QMWS President [December 2022]

As we approach the end of 2022, I would like to thank you all on behalf of QMWS, for a wonderful year. We recently had our very successful 2022 QMWS Christmas party at the beautiful Medley Café in Kangaroo Point. It was lovely so many familiar and new faces could attend, and we would like to thank Queensland X-Ray for sponsoring our Christmas party (Watch the video). We hope you have a wonderful festive season and we look forward to seeing you at our 2023 AGM on 23rd February. Please don’t forget to sign up or renew your membership.

Dr Sivagowri Somasundaram receiving The Lilian Cooper Prize

QMWS 2021 UQ Prizes Presented

At the recent QMWS Christmas party, the three recipients of the QMWS 2021 UQ Prizes were presented their awards. Find out more and watch the presentation videos.

Unhappy woman looking over a railing

Behind Closed Doors by Dr Johanna Skinner

Dr Johanna Skinner has worked in urban, regional and remote regions as a GP. Since the COVID pandemic, she has noticed a sharp increase in the number of women presenting with issues related both directly and indirectly to domestic abuse. Unfortunately, this coincided with an increased demand for services, so many of these women stayed trapped in relationships not only detrimental to their physical and emotional wellbeing, but with significant risks to their safety.